Sunday, February 7, 2021

Patti S.

I grew up in the country, rural western Pennsylvania. Have lived up and down the eastern US coastline, but came back “home,” when my mom’s Parkinson’s took its toll. I thoroughly enjoy the beach, especially Florida’s. But the woods, forests,hills and mountains are where my feet feel grounded, familiar and at peace City life has its lure, accessibility, opportunities, but everything in life has a downside (for me it’s the noise) I write about what that quiet still voice says, pretty much drowns out, the further out of the mountains I venture. My mom used to call our town, “Birdtown ,” because of all the wildlife (especially birds) that are naturally part of the scenery. It is simply beautiful and it’s a simple and beautiful way of life. If we are careful, and carefully maintain our land, this Appalachian territory will preserve itself. We need only treat it with respect for the treasure it is. It’s ironic to me that it’s considered one of the poorest parts of our country, for in reality it’s a glimpse, a slice of Paradise. 

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Appalachain Restoration Project Art by Tiffany Marcum

  Appalachain Restoration Project Art by Tiffany Marcum